Theme: Remember your roots and view the past from a child-like perspective
Let’s get into it…
Last week was all about dedicating time to understanding your souls calling. This week we are being asked to dig into our roots, the roots planted by our ancestors. In this moment we need to reach back to move forward.
What does this mean?
A shift in perspective is required to fully dive into what this means for you specifically. While it would benefit the collective to move in unison, we all play a different part here on earth side and it’s important we honor that by answering the unique call.
Look at your past and the actions of your ancestors from the lens of the child in you, What did they do to survive? What were they creating or recreating before your time? How can you implement your learnings into your daily life? By releasing judgment and approaching this from a curious place you will move forward freely and allow room for growth and experimenting with what works best for you today, and for those that come after you.